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Becoming a teenager is a really big milestone in your life story. But wait; it just got really complicated! Am I in love with the same sex, or not? Am I a girl or a boy or not, and is my feeling fluid? How can I express my true self? How can I be myself? What do I tell my parents: What will they think? How am I going to cope with all of this?

As a parent, perhaps you’ve always imagined your child would grow up and get married. But now what? All of the sudden you are grappling with the idea that your boy may be a girl, your girl may be in love with a girl or your boy may want to live with a boy. All this is now creating a turmoil of feelings and you don’t know where to go? We can help!

At the Child & Family Center, we have a specialist for just these issues. We want you to feel safe and secure about the confidential services you receive from our seasoned professional, Ms. Vooris. She’s had a lot of experience helping others with similar feelings.

We offer services in Salisbury as well as Teletherapy services for individuals who cannot or prefer not to travel to our offices.

Interested in local communities in the area? Check out the Facebook page and blog of PFLAG Chestertown.